

By Gloria Dulan-Wilson

Hello All:  

I just received this communique from Democracy For America (DFA), and would love to do it, but I am currently living in an efficiency the size of a postage stamp - working towards getting my own home.  That said,  if there are those among us who can host 10 to 20 people  or more on June 15, neighbors, friends, colleagues, associates - even enemies who voted for T-rump and are now having major recriminations - please sign up to do so.  We are at the beginning of WE THE PEOPLE taking back OUR POWER.  You are needed to step up to the plate and let the repuglycons and T-rump know that "We're mad as hell and we're not going to take it any more!"  Remember that movie?  Well, this time there will be no big over arching super rich fat cat to thwart the People's will. We will prevail.  It's time to take out the trash - all of it from T-rump, to McConnell, to Ryan, Pence and all of the ersatz cabinet and the injustice who was recently appointed to the subprime court.  

If you are in Philly, you know what the impact has been already - so please make it your business to be involved in a meaningful way.  

Stay Blessed & 

From: Jessica Carter, Democracy for America 
Date: Mon, May 29, 2017 at 1:27 PM
Subject: IMPEACHMENT SUMMER: Can you host a "Now is the Time" movie night in Philadelphia

Image result for anti trump pictures

"We're going to have a healthcare that is far less expensive and far better."
That's what Donald Trump claimed about health care policy on January 11, shortly before he took office. But now that we've seen the details of Trumpcare, it's clear that Trump's goal was the same as the GOP's all along. Trump wants to slash access to health care in order to pay for a tax cut for the rich, which is just one of many reasons why Trump has to go -- now.
Trumpcare has passed the House, and it's still very much alive in the Senate. Many of us are worried about whether our families and friends would be able to access and afford care if this horrible legislation passes. Millions of Americans could lose their care due to cuts to Medicare and drastic changes to the Affordable Care Act, the most progressive health care expansion in decades.
It's wrong that so many Americans can find their health care in limbo due to one administration's desire to shower tax cuts on the wealthy. The time has come for a truly progressive solution to our health care situation: Medicare for All.
This June, DFA members are gathering to build community, energize for the resistance, and discuss what we can do to fight the attacks on our healthcare by screening "Now is the Time" -- a movie about the fight for universal health care, and the first of three movies we will be bringing you this summer that highlight Trump's incompetence and make the case for impeachment.
Will you host a screening of "Now is the Time" -- a movie about Medicare for All -- this month for DFA members near you?
Yes! I'll host a screening of "Now is the Time" this June.
No, I can't host, but I'll chip in $3 or more now to support these events and fuel DFA's fight for universal health care.
Trumpcare would give the corporate health care industry nearly free reign to cause harm and even death in order to maximize profit. But even under the current law, it has become clear that insurance-based healthcare is not effective for keeping costs down and giving everyone access to needed medical care.
"Now is the Time" takes a hard look at our current health care system and the barriers to enacting Medicare for All. And it examines how, through the renewed passion for collective action inspired by the resistance to Donald Trump and the movement to impeach, we can break through those barriers and finally achieve truly universal coverage.
This is the first of three films in our "Impeachment Summer" movie night series highlighting how all Americans are being harmed by the Trump administration. In July, we will be attending premiere screenings of "An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power" -- and in August, we will watch ‘The Best Democracy Money Can Buy."
Everyone deserves access to quality healthcare without being forced to choose between food or medicine. But Donald Trump and his cronies only see dollar signs.
We can resist -- and defeat -- Trumpism by fighting to build a health care system that is accessible to all. Will you start a conversation with your friends and neighbors about Medicare for All by hosting a screening of "Now is the Time" this month?
Yes! I'd love to host a screening of "Now is the Time."
No, I can't host this time, but I will pitch in $3 or more to support DFA's local organizing and boost our fight for Medicare for All.
Thanks for helping us fight back against Trumpcare -- and for your work to make Medicare for All a reality.
- Jessica
Jessica Carter, Organizing Manager
Democracy for America

Paid for by Democracy for America, http://www.democracyforamerica.com and not authorized by any candidate. Contributions to Democracy for America are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.


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