Hello All
It was a balmy evening, yesterday, Sunday - and folks could have been home watching TV, at Penns Landing, watching sports, or just snoozing - but at St. Matthews Church on Wingohocking and 16th, they had other things on their mind. A Faith Rally was coming together for Anthony Hardy Williams, with none other than Congressman Chaka Fattah, Representative Jordan Harris, Rochelle Bilau, and myriad others from the community to lift up Tony Williams and his campaign in prayer.
I am going to take a point of departure from the order of program and share Tony Williams statements first, followed by Rochelle Bilau, Chaka Fattah and Jordan Harris. For the most part I'm paraphrasing the statements and comments - but I want you to read carefully, because there are some salient points that you may not have encountered if you were just relying on the meanstream media to keep you abreast of what was happening in the campaign.
HARDY WILLIAMS Ministerial introduction: "I don't need a paper in front of me to introduce this man – I
don't need a prewritten speech to demonstrate a heart felt
appreciation for all he has done so far the people, who for the last
three decades the disparity in education when he's been dealing with
it all his adult life. He hasn't just begun to talk about proper
policing, in our city. He hasn't just started talking about economic
development in our community. He hasn't just started talking about
people receiving jobs and making the kind of money where they can
take care of their families. He's been doing this – he has
dedicated himself to this his entire life. He watched his daddy do
it and saw that it was worthy enough the he would serve the public as
his father did And that's something when a son can look at a father
and see the depth of passion and commitment to raising up the least
among us and say “that's what I want to do with my life.” How
amazing is that that he would come behind his father and continue
the same good work!"
The minister continued his introductory remarks: "It's
strange that our folk are so lethargic, and seeming to be unengaged,
when this is a critical time for us in the City of Philadelphia. It
is a critical time, it is a turning point; it is a mission- we have
to be very careful and, and the understanding that we've got to put
the right people in the right place at this time. Because when we
make the wrong decision, you become like Abraham and Sarah – making
the wrong decision can cost you for generations to come. We've got
to make the right decisions, and we've got to make the right decision
and I know from the depth of my heart that TONY WILLIAMS WILL BE A
is the best time to pass the basket” he stated, starting off with a
very appreciative of all the kind words tonight. I'm ost appreciative
of all you who have come here tonight to come to a place of faith
that I would worship in, even it if' it's not your place of faith.
I'm appreciative of all the faith leaders and public figures who have
come together in my support who are here to express their feelings
about an event which is about to take place in the next 48 hours. I
will tell you that while my name is reflected, in terms of how you
look a t a particular date, it's really not TONY TIME, IT'S PEOPLE
always should be about people and where they are in their lives.
That's what I learned from both my parents. Both of them chose to
give their lives to the public. A public that was in dire need of a
young couple who would sacrifice their entire lives for a community
that would sometime understand them, some times not. I happen to be
a stitch in that time. I happen to be reflective of values that
raised me and shaped me as a man. There is more to me than just
running for office; the community needs more of me than just my
running for office, and make a lot of money doing it. God saw fit to
change my selfish me moment into a need for me to come back and
participate. I can't tell you that there would be a moment that I
thought that I would be running for mayor, because I never did. I
never dreamed I would have this opportunity. I don't calculate like
that. But I will tell you that the moment I entered public service –
I entered with a different perspective. There are certain things you
say as a Democrat and as an African American, there are certain
things you are required to say.
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is the reason a person should exist. Some
people lie and make it should like they're telling the truth, and
some people are telling the truth, but others think it's a lie.
when I entered politics, I earnestly thought about issues that were
problematic. I've been in office 26 years. And I want you to
understand somethng. Some people's election cycle it amazes me the
things that they say.
I'm supposed to run on my record – while other people are supposed
to kind of apologize for theirs. I don't have anything to apologize
me be very clear about that – schools didn't get bad in
Philadelphia when the charter schools showed up – the school system
in Philly didn't become broken when the SRC showed up; I'm 58 years
old and there were bad schools then and there are bad schools now.
And the system needs more money and by the way, the only person who
was doing something about it is ME in this election cycle. And for
some reason people don't like me to say that. They want me to say
the charter school needs funding more than public schools – but
I've funded both because I'm an independent African American
democrat, not an idealogue democrat.
not me who says “Tony I want you to fund public schools – and
then wait next year and next year and next year, because the next
year he'll end up either in prison or dead. I need change NOW! So I
introduced legislation with ended up providing billions of dollars in
fundings for our hurting schools – but that fact didn't make the
papers. I don't hold press conferences, I just do work. I don't
need someone to introduce me to Philadelphians of Christian, Islamic,
Jewish, Polish, Germanic, Hispanic, or Italian descent because I know
them; we grew up together, we've worked together, gone to school
together. I visit all the neighborhoods, and did it way before this
campaign. They're all my friends, I've done this work; I've earned
my moment.
the way, I will accept the grade, but what I will not accept is
people diminishing the grade, or changing the grade or the appearance
of it – or a fictitious event or moment. Some people would try to
distort this moment – we're in a church praying. Yes we're in a
church! Thank God! I'm a Christian. That's where I should be on
Sunday. Matter of fact, when I was a kid in church – this here is
a vacation – because it (his church) started at 6:00pm and would go
until midnight – that was with my grandmother back in the good old
days. There are white people who don't understand this. This is not
an affirmation of prayer for election day – it's a recommitment to
what we know to be true. First it's the faith that has moved these
African American communities for generations. When we started having
trouble is when they started removing God out of the African American
generations. The Civil Rights Movement is not just about Dr. King. They talk about him from a very narrow perspective; Dr.
King represented a very broad based range of Black people who were
presecuted, persecuted, arrested, hung for the right to vote. That
Civil Rights Movement kicked open the door for a generation of
African Americans. Women – women will tell you that the Civil
Rights Movement kicked open the door for them; the disabled, those
who had any conditionor affirmation that America did not embrace, the
Civil Rights Movement kicked open the door for them. The Civil
Rights movement embraces all of us even if we don't understand it.
And for me I am very proud that I am an African American kid who grew
up in Southwest Philadelphia, grew up around countless gangs and got
my education and my degree in economics. But I want you to
understand something – all that did was make me a better human
being; not just a better Black human being.
spoke of attending a Quaker school and learning to be nicer and
gentler – and attending Franklin Marshall College where he and his
Jewish classmates would argue over who was more oppressed Black
people or Jews.
type of Philadelphia do we want – I'm a Christian and some of my
friends are Muslims; and some times that made us nervous – but the
city has evolved in that respect. He's remaining Christian but it
does not mean that there isn't common ground and areas of agreement
between himself and his Muslim friends and associates.
much more important for the that I stand for the truth – not what
is convenient for me
community of Philadelphia is not apathetic – they're just tired of
waiting for good schools. They're tired of waiting for politicians to
stop dancing around and to begin to get the job done for them and
their families. And to stop arguing about charter schools vs. the
neighbor schools and FIX ALL THE SCHOOLS – that's what they want.
tired of talking about jobs and no jobs appear; or job training
programs that don't train you for jobs in your city. They are glad
that Philadelphia is beginning to rebuild herself; but they want to
see some of the contractors license plates be from Philadelphia
instead of Maryland, Delaware and New Jersey. They want to see
license plates from Philadelphia!!! Hell, I want to help the guy
who's getting trained – I want to lift a brick too – in other
words Philadelphians are getting tired of being passed over in their
own city!!!
Barack Obama not just because he was the first Black president of the
United States, they voted for him because he was the first smart
president; the first cool president; the first president with a good
looking wife; the first president who spoke to all the people
regardless of what their affiliation was. Whether they grew up in
the suburbs, rural Pennsylvania – or wherever - “my kid can grow
up and become the president of the United States, because he could
to. I stand on the possibility and an on equality in the eyes of
increased our strength – they that wait on the Lord shall renew
their strength – they shall mount up with the wings as eagle –
they shall walk and not faint. This is our time – OUR PHILADELPHIA
Bilau: Did not mince her words when she spoke in terms of the opposition and his johnny come lately to the Black community -
going to keep this momentum going. How many registered voters out
here? I need to give you the facts. I'm going to let you know. How
many of you have seen that other guy (kenny) in your community or in the
field, other than when they made him run for mayor? How many have
seen him? (answer is NEVER); No, he didn't want to run. They made
him run. Don't get it twisted! It's not in his heart to do it!
Somebody had to push him to it. So how many of you have seen him in
your neighborhood before now? (ans. NEVER). I didn't even know he
was here; in fact the only place I saw him was in the MUMMERS PARADE
– I'm just trying to keep it real. You need to weigh this over!
You need to look at the facts! Don't believe that crap – oh,
somebody numbers – you know how they did it. And they're trying to
do it now, which is very unfortunate because they're going to lose
with it! Ain't nobody stupid anymore!!!
look at the little facts: our schools are in trouble; they've been
in trouble. You had a person on city council that could have dealt
with this situation a long time ago – why is he talking it now?
Has he ever put forth legislation in the 23 years of his career in
city council? Has he ever said any of this? 23 years in City
Council! All right, Pre School – Everybody's talking it now!
Have you ever heard him put any legislation through supporting
schools – pre-K, universal pre-K? Now? 23 years ago? How about
15? Anybody heard him say it in 10 years? How about two weeks before
he resigned?
GET THE FACTS STRAIGHT! If he (Kenney) hasn't been in your community before
now, he's not going to be in it afterwards. If he hasn't been
dealing with the schools before now, he's not going to do it
afterwards. He's being forced to run. It's not in his heart, so you
shouldn't believe the hype! For you and your family if you wan't
something you've never had before, that's a mayor for all of us
today, then you've got to do stuff you've never done before.
talking about raining on Tuesday! You should make that the water
you're going to need to fill your cup so you can drink it and keep it
moving all day back and forth! Everybody's got facebook, twitter,
instagram – if you don't know how to use it – let your son or
daughter show you how to use them so you can reach our friends and
associates and get them out to the polls.
FATTAH: “Choose ye this day whom you will serve – but for me and
my family... You know the gracious thing about the fact that God
allowed each and every one of us to live is that we get a chance to
make choices. And when we make those choices, God allows us to reap
the rewards or to suffer the consequences of the choices we make.
Now there's a big decision moment on Tuesday, and there are some
people who are trying to play a trick, and act as if the game is
over. I was amazed to read in the local newspaper from my hometown
last week that the election for mayor was over. Now the desparing
thing about this is that this is the same paper who two days later
said, “Oops! The election's not over.”
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just reminded me of when I ran for the United States Congress, the
poll takers said “oops!” I was pulling up to my victory party.
I had won a landslide victory. And all news radion – KYW – was
reporting, after the polls had closed, that I had the lead, but that
I was going to lose when all the votes got counted. Now of course
they had already counted the votes. I was getting ready to give a
victory speech. But they were reporting to the people of
Philadelphia that I was going to lose. And I point this out because
it's very, very important that between now and the finish line that
we keep our eyes on the prize. And that we know with a certainty
that elections are won when voters vote. And not one vote has been
cast; in any of almost 2000 divisions or precincts in our districts;
and we also know that there's support for Senator Williams in every
corner of our city. Now they have selective amnesia somehow the fact
that Senator Varnazy (?) and
in north philadelphia is supporting Senator
Williams; or that the leading elected official the Lieutenant
Governor, Michael Spratt, in Northeast Philadelphia is supporting
him. Somehow it hasn't been fit for print, or for notice. Like
strong labor unites and are working on
behalf of Senator Williams – somehow it doesn't deserve as much
notice as others.
I want to tell you is this – it was said that we can rebuild a loss
of the city if we have a mind to work. Now I was with Senator
Williams early this morning – we were in church. And I know that
he's got all his chief campaign staff here this evening – I saw his
campaign manager here; and Senator Williams said that he was going to
pause his campaign for this prayer service tonight, because as we go
forward, either that article of faith, that this is a victory for
this office. For when Nehemiah went to rebuild the wall, he
collected people from all the different families, and all of the
different groups, and they worked together, on their part of the
wall. Now I've been traveling the city all day; I've seen people
preparing for this victory. People working in the vineyards. For
we know that our faith is critically important – that's why Faith
is the key. We have come here to pray and to reflect on the moment
that has arisen. This is ---- that when it is finally written, it
will be written as a victory. Not for those who wish that voters
didn't have a vote, but for those who know with a certainty that when
they vote, they will vote in their interest and will send Senator
Tony Williams to the second floor of City Hall. Thank you God Bless
you all!”
REP. JORDAN HARRIS: “Praise the Lord everybody – it is fitting
that we host this righteousness rally in our house faith – and for
many of us it has only been our faith which helped to deliver us to
where we are today. When African American boys continue to drop out
of school, and drop into either graves, or cells. It is befitting
that this takes place in a place of faith. It is befitting because
we know that as African Americans the leaders of the Civil Rights
Movement were pastors and preachers and teachers. We call him Dr.
King, but we often forget that he was Rev. Dr. King; and that
churches were used – basements, bacl yards (sanctuaries) were used
to empower people who found themselves disenfranchised - who had
found themselves depressed, oppressed, and suppressed by their
government; so it is betting that this righteousness rally is here in
a house full of Faith.
the question becomes why is it a righteous rally? It is righteous
because the issue that we continue to fight for remain righteous.
That child, regardless of whether they're from South Philadelphia,
North Philadelphia, West Philadelphia – whether their parents
worked on the mainline, or whether their parents worked in a pie
factory – that that child, regardless of zip code, or skin color,
deserves a quality education.
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while people will continue to have an argument or fight over what
type of school, what I know is that in my community that mother has
to make a decision; that father has to make a decision; that
grandmother has to make a decision based off what is the best school
for their child. Because that parent understands that, while they
may not have been able to obtain a college degree; or technical
certification, that if they want better for the future of their
children – it's going to be education – and if they equalize it
to raise them out of poverty and provide for them a better
edeucation. So that's why this is a righteous rally. It is
righteous because very man, woman and child deserves to walk down the
street and feel safe in their own community, and not have to fear
whether they will be stopped and frisked because they have on a
hoodie. Because every now and then I'll want to wear a hoodie; and I
step out of my State Car – and I might not have my State License on
me, and at that time I'm just still Jordan from South Philly. And I
don't deserve to be acosted by anybody because of the color of my
skin. That's why this is a righteous rally
us not be dismayed – I am always encouraged to be the “underdog”.
I love it! I love the people who have counted me out. I love the
people who have discounted and discredited my work. And in the end,
we just need to ensure that our folks understand that on Tuesday the
only thing we can do to send a point, to prove a point is to show up
at the polls, and push the button for ANTHONY HARDY WILLIAMS as your
next mayor, because he gets it! He doesn't just get it when it's
popular, he get's it all the time. And I'll leave you with this, Dr.
King said something that reminds me of Tony for this rally:
Cowardice acts if it's safe; expedience asks if it's politics; is it popular; but courage asks the question, is
it right. And there comes a time when a man or woman must do
something that is not popular, political or safe, or expedient –
but they do it because their conscious tells you that it's right. We
need a leader that does what is not popular, but does what is right.
And not what's right for downtown Philly, but what's right for all of
Philly. Not what's just right for neighbors but for all of the people
– that's why this rally continues to be righteous. Because if
we're going to go anywhere in the future, we must go at it because
our conscious tells us that it's right. God Bless you “
Rev. Avinger led the congregation in prayer, as all the ministers gathered around and laid hands on Anthony Hardy Williams and the entire congregation joined hands in solidarity. Philadelphia has 24 hours to make the best choice - that choice is Anthony Hardy Williams - and while prayers are wonderful, the only way he is actually going to win is when we all get up and get to the polls - take your friends, loved ones, children - but make it your business to vote on May 19, 2015 for ANTHONY HARDY WILLIAMS - MAYOR OF PHILADELPHIA
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