
Happy Birthday to Me and Aries The World Over!!


Hello All:

Well today's the day before the day of my birthday – i.e. - to day is March 20 – and it's finally here – well almost, finally anyway. I had kind of idly wondered where I would be, and what I would be doing on my birthday. To be honest, I hadn't really planned anything special, although I do rather enjoy making the big announcement, bragging on what it's like to start the Zodiac and start the sign of Aries -as well has having had the distinction of it being the First Day of Spring (at least it was when I was a kid – don't know how it got changed to March 20th – though I have always threatened to investigate that slippage on the part of the meteorological society) – but I'm sitting here writing the night before the day of my birthday, and I have to say that I hope the rest of the year goes a heck of lot better than the first three months.

And let it start with my sign – Aries – the sign of renewal and rebirth. Let all the other stuff that has appeared to be roiling around in the atmosphere end today as Pisces leaves and a whole new level of love, fun, success, prosperity, energy, health, happiness, joy, spirituality, faith come with Aries the Ram, bashing through all the gloom and doom; the clouds of negativity, hostility, greed, that have been hanging over us disipate as Aries brings in the breath of fresh air that is Spring.

You know, we Fire Signs are not known for false modesty – so I won't pretend to have any now – It just feels good to be an Aries. It's a big responsibility, leading the whole Zodiac, you know – and we definitely are leaders, and we don't take it lightly.

This is why I want to send a message to all of those who have been labeling 2013 a bad luck year – I over heard a gentleman tell his granddaughter that anything that ends in 13 was considered bad luck. However, he forgot to remember that there were 13 people in Jesus' group: Jesus plus 12 Disciples. The superstition about 13 didn't start with us, we had nothing to do with the stock market crash and the so-called “Great Depression” of the 30's, and more than we did with the recession of the Bush era. So as far as we're concerned the negatives around the number 13, it's just that – superstition. The original
Friday 13 was also called Black Friday – and being a Black person, I kind of proud that we actually had our own day.

Now you could say, “But Gloria, you lost your husband, Lou Wilson, the love of your life in the beginning of the year; and it caused a cascade of problems – that's bad luck, isn't it?” And I would say, painful though it was, “No, it wasn't bad luck, it was God. Lou was on a different path and had completed what he was supposed to do here.”

Now, while that sounds like a lot of wisdom (and we are known for that), it was really because of Rev. Michael Beckwith, founder/pastor of Agape Church in Culver City, CA, who sat down with me for an hour before Lou's homegoing ceremony, and let me vent, cry, fuss, cuss and get all the pain, grief, loss and anger out of my system, that I can now view 2013 as year of blessing and accomplishment. I had to deal with the fact that Lou was on one fork in the road, and I was on another. I couldn't follow his path and I can't abandon mine. So that wasn't luck – good or bad; it was life, and it was God giving me the wake up call that I've got some other missions to accomplish.(By the way, Thanks to Michael and Rickie Beckwith for that wonderful ceremony and their beautiful church – phenomenal!)

Still, I do have to admit that I went around with that raincloud over my head for a few more weeks. It almost lead to disaster. I was allowing people to get away with stuff that I normally am on top of; it kind of took the fight out of me for a minute. You know how we Aries are – we love to win; we love to see others win; we love being right; we love being appreciated, and most of all we love being heroes and sheroes. It's how we're constituted. We somehow have to have a way to save the day. Well, I had to have a few friends step in and save my day – and thank goodness they were there for me. Because, unlike the plans hatched by a few nefarious characters, in the words of Israel Houghton: “I'M STILL STANDING – BUT BY THE GRACE OF GOD!” Stuff that was meant for evil has been transformed into my good.

So on the day before the day of the beginning of Aries, my birthday, the Zodiac and all the good things that we stand for, I am declaring that from March 21st 2013 forward, everything is going to be beautiful, wonderful, successful, happy, prosperous – especially for us Aries – but not just for us Aries, for everyone who has faith in themselves, God, grace, and blessings. And for those of you who don't, I'm declaring it anyway.

Just want to acknowledge some my fellow Aries brothers and sisters: Zach Husser, Wellington Sharpe, Diana Ross, Gil Scott Heron (rip), my grandson Jaden Harrell, my niece Ciara Dana Wilson, Annell Hudson, Philomena Ama Nimley, Dr. BobLee, Victoria Osteen, Nakiya Vines, Obery Hendricks, Tessya Venita Smith-Polk (homegirl from OKC), Walt “Clyde” Frazier – and a whole bunch of others – this is definitely not an exhaustive list by any stretch of the imagination..

If you're Aries and you're reading this hit me up on Face Book – we've got a lot to celebrate. If you're not an Aries but know some one who is, or if you're fortunate enough to love or be loved by and Aries, let them know how much you appreciate them (us) – we love praise and appreciation; acknowledgement is part of the very air we breathe..

We're great people, you know. We bring the heat. We bring the energy.

So, as it get's closer to my day of days, I just want to say:


Hope all my fellow brother and sister Aries are celebrating and having a wonderful time. Don't just wait until it's your actual date – you've got the whole sign. But, who am I talking to? You're Aries, you know this already. You've probably already started, and I'm the one who needs to catch up. Enjoy!! Much luv4U!!!

Stay Blessed &
Gloria Dulan-Wilson

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